14 October 2014

I'm back 🎉

Haaaaaaalloooo 🙈🙉 Haa lama dahh tak update dekat blog ni. Dah bulan Oktober dah kann hm. Bukan apa, busy. Ecehh. Tak ada la busy macam orang dah bekerja tapi takdo masa heh nak meng'on' laptop. Sekadar meninjau je blog ni dari jauh. Wah gituu. Alaa, lagipun sekarang ni tak ramai dah baca blog Cuyya hahaha. Kata orang, Cuyya dah 'sombong' aipppp aip. Tamauuu.

Jadi, sekarang ni lagi beberapa hari je lagi nak SPM !! 😱😲 Fuhhhh. PT3 sedang berjalan kannn, so rasanya masih sempat nak wish GOOD LUCK ! ihikss. Tengok diaorang jalan pagi-pagi teringat masa nak PMR dulu. hahaha. Tak adonyo eh nak gelak gelak macam PT3 sekarang ni. Macam susah je tengok diaorang nak jawab tapi... okayy apa la cuyya merepek meraban ni kann uopsie

Lebih kurang 2 bulan je dapat jumpa kawan-kawan dekat sekolah. Lepas ni tak ada dahhh. Masing-masing busy dengan hidup masing-masing. Mungkin akan lost contact ? Hmm, sedihnyaa. 

Beberapa hari yang lepas, Cuyya duk bercerita dengan Shahida (antara kawan Cuyya dekat setia alam tu yang paling lama dan rapat Cuyya kenal) dari form 2 till form 5 ni haa. Macam-macam laa bercerita. Tapiiii, sedangkan kitaorang ni satu kelas je. Tapi tu la, nak bertegur tu jarang laa hmm. Rindu si kecik tu senanya hahahah 

Dari sekolah bercerita sampai sambung dalam Facebook. Lepastu sambung ke WhatsApp pula. Rindu kannnn? (tak lupaa, shida pun pernah mengedit blog kita ni tauu :3)

Graduation Day nanti cuyya nak ambil gambar dengan semua orang. Yeaaa, semua. Kalau boleh laa. Tapi senanya, malu juga nak ambil gambar dengan diaorang tapi tak apa laa, ketepikan semua tu, wahh kauu hahahah

Rasanya sampai sini je la dulu, kalauu ada masa, Cuyya update okehh shayangs wuw hahaha. But please jangan duk kata "oh layan insta je sekarang" hahaha. Satu gambar tu, banyak ceritanya. Tak gitu ? 😉😜 cehh. Alright, wish me doakan untuk Cuyya okayy. See ya ❤ 

07 June 2014

What a perfect day !

Hellooooo :3 Mesti ada yang pelik kan "kenapa laa Cuyya ni keep updating blog dia" "tak gheti study ke" hehe. Bukannya selalu okay ? ;)

So, 7 June 2014 :)

Cuyya rasa dari pagi hari sampai laa ke malam. Happy je ;) 
Well, pagi tu I just saw direct messages. Hahaha, dari mata kanan je buka tengok phone, terbeliak mata pandang screen. Yeaaaaaaaaa, I won't tell you guys kenapa. Tapi apa yang pasti, permulaan hari yang sangat, menggembirakan :) I love you muah muah haha :*

Dan seterusnya, hari yang sama jugaaa, lepas Zuhur family Cuyya ada buat family day. Main bowlingg. Woot woot! haha. About 3o'clock game start ;) 

So, this! Cuyya dengan kak Linda ;) Group 2 lane 4 haa gituu hahahaha.

Well, kalau family day mesti tempat yang kita pergi tu macam tempat kita je enn. Family kitaorang ni je, dah 12 lane haaaa. hm Cousin Cuyya yang lane jauh jauhh terjerit, melompat, gelak semuuaa hahaha bayangkan laa. Ohh yaa, at the same time, 7 June ni jugaaa birthday mak sedara Cuyya :)

Cantik en enn. Muka macam Fara Fauzana hahaha ;) well Mak kecik iteww haha

Buat supriseeee time mak kecik punya turn nak baling bola hahaha. 
Thennnn tik tok tik tok, penyampaian hadiah. 1st, group 3 ayah cuyya dengan finaa hahha. 2nd, group 2, well my group ! 3rd, group cousin cuyya haa ntah laa yang mana hahaha. 

Have fun habehh laa senang cerita. Balik rumah, semua muka penaat je. hahahaa. and me ? Cuyya penat, tapi ada orang setia menemani dari pagi lagi hahah ;) xoxo

So this is my family. RESA family. RE stand for my grandpa, Rein while SA stand for my grandma, Safiah. 

Thats all for now. :*

04 June 2014

Happiness that I trying to catch ?

Heyy there ;)

Assalamualaikum, actually kali ini Cuyya tak ada topik pun. But ya, just nak kata yang I really miss the old me :) 

I'm just too different now. Dulunya yang suka senyum, but now lebih suka murung. Usah ditanya mengapa, sebab Cuyya sendiri tak tahu. Uhm, stress barangkali ? hahaha

Okay lupakan segala apaaaa yang buat kita sedih, murung, or the things yang buat kita rasa down. Just happy. Ya because I'm happy. nananana ~ 

Kadang-kadang kan, satu cara nak buat Cuyya sendiri happy, i'll find a quotes hahaha :p Yes, weird ? I think no, not at all :3
Here some of qoutes i found.

"Being happy doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections"  So true aint :D haha
"The same girl who laughs and talks a lot and seems very happy is also the girl who may cry herself to sleep..." 
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

Kadang-kadang Cuyya buat sendiri quotes. Ummi dengan Jia je yang pernah baca. Nak bagi lain baca, malu laa. Hee. Oh yaa, you guys ada diary ? Haaa, Cuyya punya diary bila the day full of laughter cantik je tulisan, but if the day keep makes feel wanna cry, mesti banyak air mata jatuh. hahahahaha. Biasa laa tu kan kan kan ? ;)

Hahaha, I think that's all for now. Be happy and trust yourself. Don't trust the others even that's your friend okay. hehe. Love ya xx

03 June 2014

Something I Want To Share

Cinnamon :3

Hey guys, haaa semua kenalkan kulit kayu manis ? Uhmm, pernah rasa biskut kulit kayu manis ? hahah sedap tau :D tapi tak semua suka laa sebab rasa dia kinda weird sikit hahahhahaa. Okayy, ni yang Cuyya kata nak update within this week a new entry dekat twitter last week ;) 

Haa it's about cinnamon face mask. :D Pernah try tak ? Sebenarnya, ni ibu cuyya yang ajar pakai benda alah ni. Since form 3 lagi ibu suruh, sebab jerawat dah mula naik :p hehe. Kalau nak kecut kan jerawat, haaa better hangpa semua try this. Tapi before tuu, kalau nak pakai kan kena buka kipas sekuat yang boleh. Nanti, uhmmm sakit laa juga bila pakai benda ni. Berdenyut muka ni. Adik Cuyya, Fina tu try sebab jerawat dia makin comel di muka, masa dia pakai, "kak sejuk je kak" a few sec "aaaahhh ! sakit !" hahaha sekejap je. Then dia dah kering. Okay dahh ;3 Since Cuyya terjumpa this picture.. so nahh

As simple as that kann :3 

Just air, serbuk kulit kayu manis. Nak letak madu pun boleh juga :) Haa tu je, then sapu dekat muka. Kalau boleh buat laa 3kali seminggu. I did that :p hahahahaha . Alright, Cuyya saja nak share this thing ;) Cuba dan lihat hasilnya. Wahh gitu hahaa. Nanti siapa siapa yang dah cuba tu, give me a feedback okay ;) hee bye :D

21 May 2014

New born kitten !

Hello world! *meoww*

Assalamualaikum. Haaaaa bermula laa kisahnya, ceh ceh ;p Petang senja lebih kurang dalam pukul 7.45 my bro bising bising kata "Kakk ! ada kucing dekat belakang. Darah lagi.." actually i dont get it, so i ignored him. But he kept keluar masuk keluar pintu belakang, honestly agak annoying juga perangai dak cik ni en tapi its okay ignoreeeee~

After study for a few hours then my bro "ibu! ada kucing tuuuu!" then he go outside again. Yang kelakarnya, when my mum ask him, "isyraf buat apaa ?" "saya tak buat apa apa" last last dia kena duduk dekat luar in 10 minutes sebab sikit sikit keluar. Hahahaha. Then my mum ask fina to go to sleep on that time. 

Borak borak borak then ibu ask me "ada apa dekat luar sebenarnya sampai isyraf kecoh sangat tu cuyya?" "dia kata ada anak kucing.. ntah laa" "jom tengok" 

After then, yeaaaa no wonder laa. Anak kucing tu "dibuang" macam tu je. Haihhh sedih tengok mengiau. But at first, ibu nampak seekor je. Tiba-tiba ibu nampak something bergerak nearer to longkang, another one is there ! Kalau tak dah jatuh dahh ! phewww..

Bersih bersihkan kucing tu, then they look really cute ! hahaha. Awhhh, tapi there's a problem. Uhmmmm, nak susukan dia tuu dengan ditinggalkan oleh maknya agak payah sikit. Haihhh.. i cant imagine if baby kena buang. Tergamaknya buat macam tu :'(( kesian tauu

And now finally i've kittens :D they looks like the pictures above <3 cute ain't ? 

Well, their name. My mum said "Tomeicana, another one Tomeicini" hahahaha but i'll choose one of em' and the name "Shylie" hahahaha <3 muahhh lapiuu piuu

I'll make sure to take care of both of you okay. :3 Meow..

19 May 2014

Help me!

Exam weeks and i feel so lazy !

Hey everyone. How's exam ? So far so good ? Really huh ? cehh im kidding. Kayy now Cuyya still in exam week and guess what.. perghhh kepala ku terasa bagai sudah penuh dan mahu meletupp dush dush ! That's the reason cari waktu free update blog. Hee :3

This week semua paper uhmm uhmm pffft tak terkata hahaha. Killing me ugh -.- Baru paper agama dah rasa nak muntah tahuu haha. Apa laa lagi kalau paper Akaun, Add math.. ha ha haa

Whatever it is, i'll try my best. Now midterm, after this trial, and then SPM. Hmm.. Cepat en en en :p Alright, thats all for now. Good luck for those who still have paper tomorrow and tomorrow and so on xD See ya. 

26 April 2014

What should I do?


Assalamualaikum. Hey guys ! It been a few weeks i didn't update on my blog aint ? Im kinda busy now. Pffft I think :b hehe
So, how was your day ? Everything's okay ? I bet the answer is yes :p 

Alright, so midterm just around the corner.. Oh uhhh. Are you ready to face the exammsss ? Hahahaha, ayokkk. 
Im just so stressed with the 9 subjects. Bm, yaa people think they can do bm's paper "alaa easy! kacang!" kacang kacang ? hahaha but when we ask them, "how much did you get?" "cukup cukup makan" hahaha. Ughh. It's not that easy thoooo ! 

Akaun.. Alright now we just got the questions for the assignment aint ? Haaa, how to manage with the assignment and the exam thingggg. With the form 4 topics ? Im gonna dieeeee -..-

Addmath ! Hahahahaha, what I can say, whenever I tried to solved those question, first, "yes i got the answer" but then... "wtf is this !!!" hahahaha. Then i'll get headache kahkah

Just a few weeks to go.. wuhuuu, get ready guys xD lelws. See ya

22 March 2014

Thing that I love

Look at the guitar, I want it so much !

Hello hello everyone ! So what you guys doing? good ~ hahaha 
Okay, exam for first term just finished ain’t ? :p Well ~ my results just so-so hm ((especially for add math)) ((sigh)) Need to do more practice based on question and etc etc. 
Haaa enough with that :b Now.. let me talk about something about ya my hobby, "singing and reading". Singing? Seriously?! hahahaha actually I'll sing randomly laa ala alahai haha. I still remember my friend called me "Najwa Latif" cause I love to sang but then they'll join me, eleh :p erm hello~ This is Sufia Mustafa okay okay not Najwa eceh. jk xD
Well, now I just learn to play guitar and yes no one teach me :( sad uhuk uhuk. I just refers on websites, google google and keep google-ing for the chords. 
Tik tok tik tok
I've cover one song on SoundCloud ((actually I've start cover last two years and 6 songs I've cover but 4/6  I've private it. Malu la hm)) so this cover is the only one I play guitar, Say You're Just A Friend . So nahh, the guitar just spoiled it right. hehe. I still learning to love..~ eh ehh ? hahaha
As my dad said "After you really can play guitar ((well it’s more to be like a pro one lah :p)), I'll buy you a new one" Nahhh, i want it now la hmm. But it’s okay, SPM Sufia ~~
I really hope one day people can see my talent, cause I know when people look at me, diaorang just tengok sebelah mata je. Hahaha what? I’m saying the truth okay :/ hm hm
Nahh wtv, I think that's all. Wish me luck haa :b bye

p/s: my voice not really 'merdu' , sorry hehe and another one, if my eng wasnt good, sorry juga. and now pukul 2.30am. disebabkan tak boleh tidur that's why I'll make an entry :3 Sorry again ya muah haha

14 March 2014

A day well spent

"A day spent with friends is always a day well spent"
Side by side, or miles apart, real friends are always close to the heart

Hello everyone. I think you guys knew who was my best friend. Yes, that girl, Ummi :D Well, yesterday one whole day ((13hours)) :p we've been together. From school to shopping mall. Then Ummi's mom sent be back then about 3 o'clock, Ummi's sister fetch me then we go to SCM to watch movie ! :D 

Look, from school we met til midnight ! hahaha. We watched movie ((Haunt)) Then only I and Faris ((Ummi's lil brother)) played bowling ((only one game hmmm)) na a aaaa, Faris better then me ! hahahaha ugh okay okayy :b Then we go to lunch at "Sweet Chat" :D

Many things happened yesterday. Take manyyyyy pictures. As Ummi said "one minute five pictures we've get" :p hahahaha. 

But seriously, I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being there when no one else was. You never tired to listening my story over and over. Only you that can makes me better. I hope you know I need you always haa Ummi :) Keep our promises. ((pinky promise !)) :D Our 'imagination of future' haha xD Absolutely i love you my kakak ! :* 

p/s: Ummi, later we have to play roller blade. As we wish too :D 

 'When i say i won't tell anyone, My best friend doesn't count'

07 March 2014


I’m tryin' to ignore them, but i can't. Sorry..

I don't know why people nowadays keep interrupt me. I'm not going to say anything, even I know that things happen. Just a simple problem, but.. hm. Why and what is your reason? If you keep doing this, you just make us not talking to each other. You like it? Yes, of course. cause' you want it. I'm tired of crying about this nonsense thing. All I want just a real friendship, no jealous to each other, no backstabber, no talk about the bad things. Just be a real one. I just want that. Exams just a few days left. Please, I’m begging. Just stop doing that. Just don't. Please. ((I really want to know who was doing that))

p/s: I know my eng wasn't good enough. hehe

29 January 2014

Everything has change

Im just the same person before i leave. I didnt changed.

Assalamualaikum, So dah sebulan sekolah en ? Everything just the same as usual ? Someone say yes someone say no. Well me, i would like to say no. 

I still remeber my friend before I change to convent last year. Everyone was okayyyy with me that time. BUT after a year i leave that school then i came back, everything was like '??'. "is this all my friend?" Most of them keep asking me "kenapa datang balik? sana tak best?" that sounds like they didnt like me come back here. Hmm yaa its okay guys. 

Ohh yaa, everyone knows ummi and i so closed even i've been in convent before. Ada laa seorang ni, first day of school pula tu "Ummi dah ada kawan baru tak ingat kita orang" -.- Kawan baru ? tak ingat kitaorang ? i thought when i was in convent hangpa jarang layan ummi kan, wah. Okayy im still fine. And, my friend yang since form 2 rapat tiba tiba jadi, talam dua muka. sigh. Ayoooo why laa why all this happened to me. This year is our last year, so i think you guys jangan laa jadi backstabber kay. Just focus on our exams soon. Im just fine if you keep pandang dengan pandangan tajam tu hahaha yaa just fine. 

Apa apa pun, i should ignore what they want to say. Hehe. Soon or later everything will be okay as last two years tho. 

Hee thats all. See ya ;)