Hey, nahhhhh ni nak kasi notes sikit laa nak senang hafal :) tehee~
Fractional Distillation:
- Pulau (P.Gas) Pinang (P.Gasoline) Negeri (Naphtha) Kedua (Kerosene) Di (Diesel) Laman (Lubricant) Face (Fuel) Book (Bitumen)
- Papa (P.Gas) Gegurl (P.Gasoline) Nak (Naphtha) Kahwin (Kerosene) Dengan (Diesel) Lelaki (Lubricant) Fantasi (Fuel) Boleh? (Bitumen)
- Go (Gas) party (Petrol) N (Naptha) keep (Kerosene) dancing (Diesel) . Let (Lubricant) fun (Fuel) begin (Bitumen)
IC/ Litar Bersepadu
- Bangau (Bumi) Pergi (Picu) Ke (Keluaran) Sawah (Set semula) Masa (Masa) Pak (Positif) Ngah (Nyah) Ambil (Ambang) Viva (Voltan)
NNS(Negeri-negeri Selat) - Pinang, Melaka and Singapore
Akaun Untung Rugi - Untung bersih sebelah debit. Untung kasar sebelah kredit
Kunci kira-kira : Semua Aset didebitkan. Semua Liabiliti dikreditkan
Catatan Bergu > Imbangan Duga > Akaun Penamat > Kunci kira-kira
Ureter comes first before urethra because UreTER(kencing) UrethrAAA(Lega)
Budak (Bunga), Perempuan (Panas), Lagi (Luruh), Solehah (Sejuk). Micheal (Mac), Jackson (Jun), Solat ( Sept), Dhuha (Disem)-Geo
Kedah - Kata haha, colour gum, masuk ke dalam. (KATAHA, KALAGAM, KADARAM)
"Haji Pak Mat Jual Kacang Hijau Busuk Untuk Kelentong Pelanggan" - perintang
Plat perincian. J(jenis).K(kuasa bekalan).Rowling(putaran) wants(watts) Harry(horse) Potter(power) Alive(arus)
Syarat-syarat sah puasa = Suci drpd haid/nifas, islam, mumayyiz, berakal & niat pada waktu malam bagi puasa fardu
Syarat-syarat wajib puasa = TUBIB(Tidak Uzur, Baligh, Islam & Berakal)
Keuzuran syarie yg menghalang drpd berpuasa = haid, nifas, pitam sepanjang hari
Puasa ialah menahan diri drpd melakukan perkara-perkara yg membatalkan puasa dr terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari disertai niat
helium+hydrogen dust and gas = a star~ ☆
A PIPETTE is used to measure a FIXED amount of liquid - example 25ml. Different pipettes are used for different amounts of liquid
a BURETTE is to measure a SMALL amount of liquid ACCURATELY - example 0.3cm cubed. It's long and has a small stopper at the end
Homer Simpson works in a Nuclear Plant. A nuclear plant is radioactive. Thus Homer might be exposed to radiation
Explosives - sodium & potassium - explodes easily
Radioactive - plutonium & uranium - gives out radiation
Irritant - PMR(joke), ammonia and chloroform - discomfort to the body, rashes
Corrosive - acids, alkalis, sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide - causes damage to eyes and skin in contact
Flammable - ethanol, petrol, kerosene - burns easily
Poisonous - mercury and bromine - cause death or harm if in contact with the skin, swallowed or inhaled
perincian motorDC "J(jenis)K(kuasa) Rowling(putaran)wants(watt) harry(horse) potter(power) alive(arus)
Utara Selatan is Bukit Kayu Hitam to Johor~ (There is a bukit in Johor with a black piece of wood)
Kerajaan awal di Asia Tenggara - Agraria and Maritim
Kerajaan Agraria - AGRraria - AGRiculture - Pertanian
Kerajaan Agraria is spilt into Funan and Angkor. Funan disaskan first. F for Funan, F for first
Funan's pusat kerajaan is in Vhadhapura
Funan has empangan, saliran & takungan air to mengairi their sawah padi. Sawah padi - pertanian
Sungai Mekong is in Funan - they get their water supply from there and persisiran pantai
Raja Pertama Funan - Kaundinya - bergelar - Kurung Bnam - which means raja gunung
Funan had a general named Fan Shih-man
Sungai Mekong is not only used to obtain water supply but also used as a jalan perhubungan perdagangan
Pelabuhan utama Funan is Oc-Eo (oseeeeeeeiiiioooooo)
Angkor has baray's which are biiiig kolams for kemudahan sistem pertanian
In Angkor, they have a sistem pemerintahan Devaraja
Angkor menerima agama hindu-buddha
Under Suryavarman, Angkor gemilang
Angkor Wat is proof that Angkor had agama hindu-buddha
Kawasan pertanian utama Angkor is sekitar tasik Tonle Sap
Agraria - hasil hutan, buru, menternak, perikanan and pertanian
Tuhan tolong~ terangkan otak aku~ Untuk terima ilmu seadanya. Kerna ku tak sanggup. Kerna ku tak mampu. Menggenggam 8A, tanpa ilmu~ :D
p/s: Ni je laa yang dapat Cuyya tolong serba sedikit. :) harap dapat membantu PMR candidates :) Goodluck in the trial soon :D byebye !